Politically Incorrect Diary™

(© Magnus Jahnsson)

Lördag 14 Juni  2008

Så har man då blivit 40 år ... det är en dryg månad sedan och jag har fortfarande inte krisat. Om jag får tycka, i alla fall. Om inte stolthet över att ha vunnit en Singstartävling mot mina kollegor på en Birkakryssning räknas. Och det gör det ju såklart: Mwoaahhahahahaaa Anna, du kan ju drömma om din revansch. Alla behöver vi drömmar och mål!!! (Jag är en dålig förlorare men en ännu sämre vinnare!)

Men det är också satan vad tiden går. det är två månader sedan jag skrev på min lilla dagbok. Jag förstår inte hur bloggare orkar klämma ur sig meningslösa meningar hela tiden. Nu har jag i alla fall lagt in några länkar till Sjukt Begär-relaterade artiklar.

Åkte bil i veckan med chefen, lyssnade på gamla låtar och blev nostalgisk. Nu sitter jag och lyssnar på Common People av Pulp hemma i soffan och det är oslagbart bra. Poesi och berättelser med bra musik till. Unbefuckingleavably great! Jag såg Henrik Schyfferts 90-talsmonolog i maj och tyckte den var brilliant men nu inser jag att han gjorde en gigantisk miss när han inte refereade till Pulp. Henrik och jag tillhör definitivt den ironiska generationen, inte tu tal om det, men ... Pulp är den ironiska generationens kungar. Det finns inga tvår, inga treor. Hur kunde han missa dem? Hur kunde han??


Söndag 20 april 2008

Att det skall vara så jämra svårt allt det här tekniska. Jag är ju ändå ingenjör ... När jag skulle ladda upp min fil på vulkan hade jag först ingen pdf-skrivare som kunde skapa A5-dokument. Nå det gick ju rätt snabbt att ladda ned men sedan skulle man fixa till omslaget och där gick jag nästan bet. Eftersom jag vägrade köpa Photoshop för 10 papp (när man kan köpa det i USA för $600(!) vilket fortfarende är hutlöst dyrt men mindre än hälften av vad det kostar i Sverige) så var det nästan omöjligt att få till rätt format. Jag svor i en hel helg ...

Sedan kunde Vulkan ändå inte läsa mitt omslag så jag fick ladda ned en demoversion av Photoshop ... Om jag behöver ändra mitt omslag nu så kostar det m a o 10 papp!

Och nu har jag då fixat websida. Först köpte jag en mall för 300 kr; "Writer's personal page". Den såg jättefin ut och det var bara att byta ut bilder och text så skulle jag ha precis vad jag behöver ... jo jo. Om man har Photoshop, Dreamweaver och Flashmaker så går det ganska lätt sade min webdesign-kompis Adrian. Gissa hur mycket Adobe Creaive Suit med dessa program i kostar i Sverige? Den idén lade jag alltså ganska snabbt ned.

Så jag laddade ned en fri websidebyggare och börjde koda med hjälp av de mallar som fanns i den. Det gick åt skogen.

Då plockade jag fram websidan jag byggde till vår familj i London år 2000 och inte ser den fancy ut som "writer´s personal page". Men den funkar. Jag nöjer mig med det för nu. Läs nedan vad jag skrev i London för många år sedan ...


17 November 2001

"Dark Knight: Fantasy adventure series retelling the Ivanhoe legend, about an epic quest to bring peace to England by restoring King Richard. Ivanhoe and Rebecca team up with a band of gypsies to battle a fiend who uses black magic to steal peoples' bones." Aaargh!!! Is nothing sacred anymore???

10 November


Oh no! Poor little Chelsea Clinton is finding it difficult to cope with the "Anti-american climate" in Oxford. Read this, again courtesy of CNN: "Chelsea Clinton has admitted she is finding it hard to cope at Oxford University because of anti-American feeling. In a frank article for Talk magazine, the University College student says the attacks on the United States left her feeling confused and scared, and she finds it "difficult" to deal with those who question America's actions. "It's hard to be abroad right now. Every day I encounter some sort of anti-American feeling. Sometimes it's from other students, sometimes it's from a newspaper columnist, sometimes it's from 'peace' demonstrators," she said. "Over the summer I thought that I would seek out non-Americans as friends, just for diversity's sake. Now I find that I want to be around Americans -- people who I know are thinking about our country as much as I am." [NOTE THAT SHE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THE REST OF THE WORLD] The 21-year-old daughter of former U.S. President Bill Clinton and senator Hillary, said questions about whether Osama bin Laden was behind the attacks, and scepticism over America's humanitarian commitment to Afghanistan, made her "bristle." "The idea that anyone believes America would enter into this capriciously boggles my mind, and the notion that the United States is acting without regard to the Afghan people is offensive." This is soooo touching, poor little Hillary. Well, kid, sorry! Sometimes I think Americans in general are more indoctrinated than the Soviets.

9 November 2001

Quote from CNN: "This great nation will never be intimidated. None of us would ever wish the evil that has been done to our country, yet we have learned that out of evil can come great good," he said in the 35-minute prime-time address. "During the last two months, we have shown the world -- America is a great nation. America has responded magnificently: with courage and caring." Bush was greeted with chants of "USA! USA!" when he walked to the podium at the Georgia World Congress Center" It is just too much!!! I wonder when the Americans in general will understand that their greatest enemies are not the terrorists, but their own arrogance!

6 November 2001

OK! Next surprise fee is the Additional Mortgage Insurance Fee. Halifax states, and I quote "If you want to borrow more than our basic lending limit of 75%, we need Additional Mortgage Security. You have to pay a fee for this. However, if you want to borrow 90% or less and apply by 31st March 2002 , we will pay the fee" Hurrah!! They basically own the property but if you for some reason want to borrow 91% of the tiny little damp basement shed you can afford (up to 97% is allowed) you will actually end up paying a fee that is higher than the difference between 90% and 91%, i.e. my downpayment on the mortgage is higher if I borrow 91% than if I borrow 90%!!!! Does anyone borrow 91-92%?? Noo, of course not if they are not so stupid they can't walk straight!!! The concept of continous functions starting in origo seems to be too advanced for the UK tax and fee system. But do people complain about this??? No! Mustn't grumble ...

4 November 2001

It has been a while since I last wrote but now I am pissed enough to write a few lines about the Brittish Stamp duty when buying an apartment or house. Here goes: Just as an example, the Stamp duty is 1% if the property price is >£250000 but 3% if the prise is £250000 or more. This means that if I buy an apartment for £249999 the duty is £2499 BUT if I pay £250000 I pay £7500!! Hmmm ... who was the idiot that came up with this non-continous function??? No wonder that no flats are sold in the interval £250' to £275' meaning that the property market has to increase by almost 10% before people even would consider buying at a higher price. I can not believe what the British people will accept when it comes to fees etc. Sweden may have the highest taxes in the world but the British system has the highest level of stupidity.

28 September 2001

I just had a thought: That third plane mysteriously crashing in Pennsylvania. I think I know why it went down and the truth is probably much less heroic than what the media wants us to believe. Here is my theory: The first two planes crashed in to the Towers between 2 of the 5 daily prayers of a true, devoted muslim. Since these guys were beyond devoted (I would use the word brainwashed psychopats) they obviously had to bend over and pray at the stipulated time and it is probably veeery difficult to fly a big plane while rubbing your forehead against a mat ... QED

2 May 2001

Weather sucks as usual. English people seem to have a fantastic immune system to survive in this damp hell. I have a theory why (from a Swedish, objective perspective of course!): Already as toddlers English children are taught not to cover their mouth when sneezing. If they must cover the mouth for som obscure reason, they are taught to use their right hand (as opposed to sneezing/coughing into your left armpit as Nordic children are foolishly taught) to cover the mouth and the wipe the hand on the nearest railing or tube seat. This obvoiusly builds a remarkable immune system and by the tender age of 7 the young rascals are immune to any air -or mucus - born disease. Cobigb frob Swedeb ab beinb exposeb do dis is a nightmabe. I get flu after flu after flu, bastards ...

30 April 2001

Weather sucks as usual. I am not moving from the sofa. There is snooker on the TV ... not 15 minutes or so but a 8h coverage of the World Championships in Sheffield. Every day for 17 frigging days!!! This is one of the strangest parts of English culture that I have been exposed to so far. Scarily enough I am starting to enjoy it. Ohmygahd, anal retentive half-dwarfs in vest and bow-tie, potting balls ... The "World" in the Championships seem to comprise UK, Ireland and the occational representative from the colonies (as long as they do not threaten to win). What amuses me most is that the overly enthusiastic commentators (by the way, why Douggie Donnely hasn't been offered a role in Star Trek as some alien life form is beyond me) seem to believe that anyone outside UK has heard of Stephen Hendry and Ronny O'Sullivan ...

28 April 2001

Weather sucks as usual. Can't load the new improved website because the f***ing line is busy. Isn't it ironic, don't you think. It's like raaaaiain on your wedding night ... and I am sitting staring at the screen like a monkey, unable to do anything.

27 April 2001

Weather sucks as usual. The website was launched today with some help from Adrian. Now that I know how to do it I will update and improve the site on a regular basis.

25 April 2001

Weather sucks as usual. Went for a pee at work (we're allowed to do that without permission from the supervisor. I am obviously not working for a UK company) and in the urinoir bowl there were not only the usual medium-length curly hairs but also numerous very short ones, the shaving kind ... How did they get there?? All alternatives I can t hink of (and I am pretty imaginative) are equally worrying. Who or what did this?? Is there maybe a national custom in one of the EU member states that I (thank heavens!) am not aware of. Investigate or Not investigate, that is the question. I think in this case ignorance is a bliss